Aspen Restorative Consulting

Transforming Communities Through Connection


We are excited to help create and grow your restorative community.

We offer facilitation, consultation, and training in restorative justice practices.

Rooted in an academic understanding of restorative practices and inspired by our practical community justice experience, we offer the opportunity to transform how your community builds, maintains, and repairs relationships. 

Whether you’ve experienced a harmful event or conflict and are seeking repair, or are simply curious about how restorative practices could work to build strong relationships in your setting, we’re here to help.

Contact us to set up a free initial consultation to see what’s possible.


How We Can Help

We work both proactively and reactively to situations involving relational harm. Issues we regularly work with span industries and applications, and commonly as varied as workplace conflict facilitation, sexual harm response, relationship repair support following incidents of misconduct, adverse events in healthcare, and others.

We believe that restorative facilitation is just one piece of the puzzle, and should be supported by holistic restorative culture change impacting all aspects of your community.

In addition to issue facilitation, we teach, coach, support, and empower through hands-on, practical training. A growing number of organisations are turning to restorative justice practices as a way to respond to conflict, accidents, misconduct, and wrongdoing that creates an opportunity for positive outcomes for all stakeholders. Our leadership development workshops blend reputable research with innovative new ideas to help workplaces, community organisations, universities, and schools experience deeper empathy and find greater connection in their daily lives.


Based in

Wellington, New Zealand

We are based in New Zealand, and we work throughout the country as well as internationally online when we can.